Saturday, December 26, 2020

"Paradise gained, Paradise lost" An American Experience

The formation of the American form of Government began long before the New England colonies were in existence. The hand of divine Providence was at work in enumerable ways beyond our comprehension, yet some are so obvious they cannot escape notice. The influence the Clergy imposed upon the thinking and understanding of the culture cannot be underestimated. 

 In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind require that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

There was a source drawn upon that deserves recognition, (the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God) to which the appeal was laid for its foundation. By this appeal, it is understood as the general principles of justice and equity under which men were conceived to have lived before the founding of any society or civil state and which gave men therefore their so-called natural rights. This understanding of law and order was believed the be written in the heart of man and more fully developed in revelation by the written law of God. 

"[T]he Law of Nature stands as an eternal rule to all men, legislators as well as others. The rules that they make for other men’s actions must . . . be conformable to the Law of Nature, i.e., to the will of God."
~ John Locke, Two Treatises on Government (London: J. Whiston, etc., 1772), Book II, p. 285, Chapter XI, §135.

"[L]aws human must be made according to the general laws of Nature, and without contradiction to any positive law of Scripture, otherwise they are ill-made." ~ John Locke, Two Treatises on Government (London: J. Whiston, etc., 1772), Book II, p. 285, Chapter XI, §135, n., quoting Hooker’s Eccl. Pol. 1. iii, sect. 9.

It is through these Laws of Nature that the Clergy gained their influence. For the most part, the American preachers were very well learned, being graduates of Harvard or Yale universities. They were not only very able men in conveying the Gospel to their parishioners but also in conveying a Biblical understanding of both civil and church government. Civil government being separate from Church government, serving in different spheres, yet being governed by the same principles. For example, the church members were joined together and given the power to choose their own officers, to whom they were then willing to submit themselves. However, in case of some unworthiness or delinquency, they also had the power to depose of them, to chose or refuse, to elect and remove them from the said office. This carried over into the understanding of free civil government institutions and aided in their formation. 

Many practices and applications of the United States Constitution find their wisdom from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. This formed a culture capable of being governed by a free republican form of government. It gave the people the understanding of how to choose their civil leaders in order that they might then submit to their authority. However, it also laid the groundwork for the revolution, giving them a right cause being able under God to through off or remove the authority which then governed in an unworthy or oppressive measure. Those measures were articulated in their Declaration of Independence as a just and right defense of the measures they were to undertake. They were not rebels against law and order, but an advocate for a truly peaceful and just society. 

This proved to be true and History has demonstrated to us the fruit of their work, viz, the American experience we have now enjoyed for more than two centuries. From their framework, the greatest experience of human freedom the world has ever know has now been a reality. That is not to say it has been perfect freedom, for there have been many flaws. But it is to say it reached levels of human freedom that man had not yet attained. 

This freedom was made possible in our civil society because of the theological minds of those who were its architects. Through their Biblical understanding of the nature of man, they were able to devise a civil government that provided extended civil and religious freedoms while still binding the hand of government through separated powers and safeguards against tyranny. The government was aided by the church through the propagation of the Gospel and its instruction concerning Biblical law. 

HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE: Had the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle. At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, not any one sect [denomination]. Any attempt to level and discard all religion would have been viewed with universal indignation. . . . In this age there can be no substitute for Christianity; that, in its general principles, is the great conservative element on which we must rely for the purity and permanence of free institutions

This combination built a culture of people who were capable of self-government. Their government and their church worked hand in hand, seeking peace and justice among the people. They were not rivals but friends. The Clergy were quick to preach elections sermons where right law and justice were developed from Scripture, demonstrating the people's responsibility to obedience and the government's responsibility to justice and equity. If anyone became disobedient the government had the authority to punish, if the government became oppressive, the people had the authority to remove the official from that office. In short, we were a nation of law, of which both the government and governed were accountable.

However, as all things do over time, the system is showing serious symptoms of erosion. Many of the factors that were in place to keep things well oiled and working are no longer in place. The safeguards that are in place men have found a way to circumvent them. Men may not be ever so wise, but they are clever when it comes to finding ways to do what they want. The largest block of Christianity today in America is not the Christianity of our forefathers. The Gospel they preach is a selfish man-centered Gospel where practically nothing is said concerning Biblical law and justice and how it relates to our society. Major issues are avoided by the Clergy and self-help prosperity feel-good message fills its place.

What we are left with is a government that has grown to proportions far outside the scope and range of the Constitution. We can read the Constitution fairly quickly and be amazed at its wisdom; but when you lay that wisdom over the workings of our government you discover agencies, departments, czars, and all kinds of government workings that the Constitution knows nothing about nor has any strength to restrain. In many cases, the departments are not responsible to the entity that created them. Couple with that a people without the knowledge of how their government works and why. A people in a very diverse culture now without the influence of well equipped Clergy and an even larger populous who cares not for any religious instruction at all. Whereas previously the law carried strength for it was seen as a just and right law because its source was Biblical. Now it is simply understood as a law created by some human senate or congress, probably with a political motive resulting in both lack of respect and reverence, carrying little power over the individual. 

"[W]hen all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another."
~ Thomas Jefferson, Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert Ellery Bergh, editor (Washington D. C.: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904), Vol. XV, p. 332, to Charles Hammond on August 18, 1821.

In many cases, they are correct, as the political parties scramble to shape and form a society to fit and form their agenda without any concern for Biblical law and justice. This continues to sharpen the divide between government and people, breaking it into factions and groups. The justice system breaks down and peace is disrupted. 

To fix such a system is most difficult, it would require the shrinking of the national government, the people weaning themselves off their created dependencies of that government, and a united effort to restore those Laws of Nature our founders leaned upon. This is impossible without a strong Church with strong and well-equipped Pastors and teachers. As you can see we are a long way from any of that. 

If this system survives without these changes above, it will emerge as something other than it was intended to be in the beginning. It may be something that people can live under with some measure of freedom, and then it may not. It may be that eventually something altogether different will be implemented to replace it to instill some kind order and way of life. These things are not something strange to human history, they are just strange to us who have been blessed with such high achievement of human freedom in the last few hundred years.

Regardless of the world or national system of government, Christians need to be faithful and trust in the Saviour. God has brought His people through all of human history, offering them His Grace and hope of salvation. He has not done that to lose us now, He remains faithful. He has not promised a paradise here, quite the contrary. But we can have peace in the midst of suffering, hope in the midst of despair. 

We have been given wisdom in His word to build and govern a peaceful society and produce a culture by which people can prosper, the American experience had demonstrated that to its highest measure thus far. However, man has never been able to get over the idea that they know a better way all the while being tempted with their desire and lust for power and authority. The hope of the soul is the Gospel, the hope of society is the Laws of nature, we remove them to our detriment.

May God bless,




Friday, November 27, 2020

"The Church: The Pillar and Foundation of the Truth"

“Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all blessings which flow from them, must fall with them.” ---- Jedediah Morse. (Source: Jedediah Morse, Election Sermon given at Charleston, MA, on April 25, 1799.)

The subject of this post may seem a bit off point from the blog's title, but really it's not. This nation rest upon the faith and understanding of its founders, they laid the foundation of freedom and government for us. Their foundation and understanding of the world around them was laid in solid theology. It had come out of the Reformation and the minds of the Puritans. Read their writings and you find rich theological words like Providence and Kind benefactor of Heaven. They saw the growth and success of the nation resting in the hands of the Creator who through Providence and the ordinary means of Grace directing their way and setting their course. 

To change that theology is to change the way we see the world and understand it, it changes the pillars upon which our society rest, this is the root Jedediah Morse was going after in the quote above. We find the church today much different in our America than it was in their America. Today we live mostly among weak and fictitious theology if you can even get at the theology. The Church in their day held to rich lengthy confessions of faith defining precisely what they believed. Today if you can find a confession of faith at all it is only 8 or 10 brief statements of vague doctrinal thought. 

The strength of the Gospel message and commitment to the truth of God's word has been replaced with a weak easy message and a promise of prosperity and comfort. Christian television today consists of a smorgasbord of preachers proclaiming Christ as the way to wealth, health, and success. This was not the Gospel message or the theology on which this nation was built, and it cannot be the theology upon which it can last. 

For many years I followed the so-called Word of Faith teachings. They were promoted by such men as Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Myer, and a host of others. 

It is amazing how easy it is to be moved away from the Gospel.  Gal 1:6  A short time ago God chose you to follow him. He chose you through his grace that came through Christ. But now I am amazed that you are already turning away and believing something different from the Good News we told you. 
Gal 1:7  There is no other message that is the Good News, but some people are confusing you. They want to change the Good News about Christ. (ERV)

And change it they did. Preachers came to our little town and brought a new message. Friends and family were drawn to this new message, we began to affirm one another in our new understanding. Other persuasive men came and reaffirmed and undergirded the message. They brought books written by men of renowned, men who were said to have had experiences with God and special revelation with signs affirming them. They told of their experiences and what they had seen, that we too could experience these things and see the wonders also if we would just follow their teaching. It was all wrapped in a Christian package using Christian terminology supported with Biblical scripture and we bought the product. For years we read the Bible through those lenses, scripture taken out of its context can be used to say many things. 

An example: Mar 11:23-24  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 
Mar 11:24  Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (KJV) 

These words of Jesus were pulled out of their context and we were taught that we could have what we say if we would believe and not doubt. After all, is that not what Jesus said above? We were told if we needed a job, a car, money, promotion, healing, whatever it was, this was the key to get it. See how easy things go awry, it sounded good to the ears, we could see it in the scripture with our eyes, what else could it mean?

Coupled with that another scripture was pulled out, viz. Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (KJV) It was explained that to be able to do what Jesus said in Mark 11:23 & 24, we had to increase our faith by hearing God's word. To do that we were told to find a scripture such as Mark 11:23 & 24 and confess it over and over again. After doing so long enough it would get from our heads to our heart and faith would rise up and we would believe and it was then we would receive.

You might be saying, who could believe such foolishness? Sadly, most of the Christian Church in America and around the world follow this kind of thinking or in some way influence by it. 

Imagine where this takes you, where your focus is looking at Scripture through those lenses! Instead of God being the focus of our faith, it is a focus upon our faith itself and our efforts to produce it. We are, as they say, trying to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. 

I recently heard Andrew Wommack say that getting healed is the easiest thing in the world, getting rid of the doubt is what's hard. He was referring to the doubt in Mark 11:23, which was cured by changing what we were saying, and confessing what we wanted over and over again. 

So how are we to understand Mark 11:23-24? In context, Jesus is giving a lesson on faith and how it operates. It is all surrounding the event of the fig tree He cursed on the way into Jerusalem. He was explaining the marvelous things that could be accomplished through faith. The statements Jesus makes concerning faith in those verses are all true. They don't have to be taken allegorically to be explained. The issue is not whether the verses mean what they say, but how the faith is obtained. Scripture says, Eph 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: (KJV) Faith is not something we obtain by confessing something enough times till it gets from our heads to our hearts. If that is what it's talking about, then all we need to do to get someone saved is to lock them in a room and play John 3:16 over and over again till it gets from their head to their heart. Just hearing the word does not guarantee one will be saved. Paul says it is a gift of God. The Apostles would indeed do many wonderful miracles in Jesus' name, however, the faith they exhibited was not their own. 

Sometimes faith comes in an instance with great confidence and assurance, sometimes it comes slowly over time and grows from a weak understanding to a much greater assurance. However, in all instances, it is a gift from God and not of ourselves. We don't conjure it up by some effort of our thought or making enough confessions concerning a certain thing. 

What you find throughout the Bible are weak and sinful people upon whom God bestows Mercy and much Grace, giving them faith to walk with Him and trust Him in their daily lives. Many do works and accomplish many things they would have never dreamed they would have been able to do. None of which were done or accomplished through their own effort of obtaining such faith. Php 2:13  Yes, it is God who is working in you. He helps you want to do what pleases him, and he gives you the power to do it. (ERV) Gal 2:20  I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (KJV)

President Lincoln could be speaking to us today when he said, "We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!" ~ Abraham Lincoln.

The Churches theology today produces a selfish man-centered view of the purpose of faith and the Gospel. Our focus is on ourselves, our comfort, and our personal success. God is a means to alleviate anything in our life that makes us uncomfortable, He is supposed to fix all our troubles and make our life better. We are told He will do all these things if we will apply his Word properly using all these principles they are teaching. 

The truth is, this is not about us, it's about Christ and the Glory of God. It's about redemption and the Glory of it shinning in the face of Jesus Christ. Christ Glorified God through suffering, we are called to do the same. Heb 5:8  Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; (KJV) 2Co 4:17  For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; (KJV) Heb 10:34  Yes, you helped them in prison and shared in their suffering. And you were still happy when everything you owned was taken away from you. You continued to be happy, because you knew that you had something much better—something that would continue forever. (ERV)

Why is this so important to us as a nation? “Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all blessings which flow from them, must fall with them.” ---- Jedediah Morse. (Source: Jedediah Morse, Election Sermon given at Charleston, MA, on April 25, 1799.)

May God bless you,


Saturday, October 24, 2020

"Why Electoral College?"

The Genius of the United States Constitution is truly a remarkable thing. Those of us who have grown up under its effects have a tendency to think of it as common to life. It is like the brilliance of a fine watch, we glance at it to obtain the time of day without notice or understanding of the wonders of its design.

"The Principles of the Constitution form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation. The wisdom of our sages and the blood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment. They should be the creed of our political faith, the text of civic instruction, the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust; and should we wander from them in moments of error or of alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty, and safety." - Thomas Jefferson

It is worth our consideration that the United States is the only nation whose foundation of government is a creed. While other nations establish their identity in ethnicity, geography, ideology, or even tradition, the United States finds itself grounded upon certain principles of law. We find that these principles are largely derived from the Founder's understanding of the Biblical text itself and its influence upon the thinking and the way they viewed the world around them. 

The term "American exceptionalism" has been used in the past to point out our Arrogance as a people. However, its origin is not American, it was coined by the French scholar Alexis de Tocqueville during his visit to the United States at the beginning of the 19th century. The phase should not be taken for or pointed at a particular people, for we are a diversity; it is instead intended to highlight an exceptional political system that has provided a level of freedom and human dignity as well as a social responsibility that never before existed in history. No other instrument of government, ancient or modern produced firmer stability, offered more freedom, promoted individual prosperity, or conveyed such hope and peaceful transference of power as the United States Constitution.

One principle among the brilliance of this document is a body of electors called the Electoral College. I have heard passing comments stating a need to remove the Electoral College in favor of a more direct election process. They say they want their vote to count and feel like the College eliminates the effectiveness of their vote. 

Admittedly a direct national vote where every vote is counted and the winner wins has an appealing sound to it. However, that is because we have just glanced at the watch to see what time it is and never considered how it works. This is fueled by the fact using the Electoral College a President can be elected as President without receiving the majority of the popular vote. This has happened in the American experience a number of times. 

There are other complications to the Electoral College such as faithless electors, but generally, the electors are faithful to cast their votes for their party candidate. However, it seems the main criticism always brought against the College is the popular vote.

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government, lest it comes to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry  

"We have received the Constitution as the work of the assembled wisdom of the nation. We have trusted to it as to the sheet anchor of our safety in the stormy times of conflict with a foreign or domestic foe. We have looked to it with sacred awe as the palladium of our liberties, and with all the solemnities of religion have pledged to each other our lives and fortunes here and our hopes of happiness hereafter in its defense and support. Were we mistaken, my countrymen, in attaching this importance to the Constitution? No. We were not mistaken. The letter of this great instrument is free from radical fault. No, we did not err."
- Andrew Jackson 

When considering a direct election, most do not recognize the possibility without the Electoral College, it would be possible for a candidate to lose as many as 49 states in the popular vote and still win the Presidency. Somehow we miss the point of a direct election or majority count. With our politics as closely divided as they are now and a 51% majority winning an election, a 1% could tilt the slate of power. 

Also, consider in a direct election the people in four of our large cities would carry the equivalent of electoral clout as 15 of our states. If you take the population of Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming; in a direct election the city of New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston would carry as much political say as all these states combined.  

The idea of eliminating the Electoral College in favor of a direct election is a very dangerous consideration to entertain. Of the 5 times the College failed to elect a President without a popular vote, all were unique circumstances. If you even consider those times a failure, what system could provide such consistency over two centuries? We should be careful in our perceived modern wisdom to cast away the brilliance of our Fathers. 

"The Constitution, our bulwark of liberty, is the closest instrument we have to earthly justice and fairness. Should the apparatus fail to support our particular preferences at the moment, we can yet be assured that it will protect us ultimately, in the long term. Ours is not a compact for a moment, but for perpetuity." - Samuel Tilden

We have here considered only one aspect of the Electoral College, there are many unique designs in its application that provide both safety and security to our electoral system. I would encourage you to study what it does and how it does it and why before expressing an opinion of its unfairness. I suspect after a thorough understanding you will come to the conclusion your vote really does count and it is most protected by the genius of the Electoral College.  

God bless,


Saturday, October 3, 2020

"Governments and the Christian Faith"

I want us to consider the simplicity of the Gospel message, it seems reasonable that the most important things God would want us to know he would state in its simplest form. Paul simply states the Gospel in his letter to the Corinthians, "1Co 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

1Co 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

1Co 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

1Co 15:5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:

1Co 15:6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep." (KJV) 

So one could expect the idea of government, its form, its purpose, and its working would be laid out in a simple understandable way in His word. So much so that a normal average guy like myself would be able to understand what a government is and its purpose. This article will reflect that very idea, what can I learn from scripture concerning my responsibility to government and what I should expect from the government as a member of society? 

As a basic outline, we might use some of the questions posed in David. W. Hall's book "Calvin in the Public Square". 

They go something like this:

1st, Is the state or are governors sovereign?

2nd, What form should the government take?

3rd, Is democracy an absolute?

4th, Who pays for government, and how or how much?

5th, How much of human life should government cover?

6th, What other valid spheres should the government respect (Family, Church, School)?

7th, May citizens resist their government? Under what limitations or conditions?

We may not cover all of these questions, but they are good to ponder, so we will probably take a wack at some of them. We first must understand why government? The reason government is necessary is found in Genesis Chapter 3, the fall of man. The corrupt nature of man since the fall is of such it must be governed and restrained by some measure. Government is one of the means that God has ordained in this world to curb man's sin and make society somewhat livable. That is the purpose for which government exists, however, today in some governments it has been broadened to a mechanism to try and regulate our well-being, providing basic needs and comforts. Many have become dependent upon some kind of government assistance in the many areas of our lives that it reaches.

It is a commendable purpose to whatever degree it tries to help society, the great problem is its lack of success. All forms of government always fail to provide its stated goals, falling massively short of its own noble ideas. The system may be perfect, but the human element corrupts and erodes until it weakens and falls. The monarchical form of government works very well if the monarch is righteous and just. However, even the best of monarchs have their sin to overcome, at best they only endure for while then it passes to another. It is just a matter of time until the monarchy corrupts and falls. 

Democracies move the power of government from the select few into the hands of the peoples' majority. This is probably the weakest form of government for it magnifies man's corruption many folds. They are usually very short-lived and generally tend toward some form of oppression in the end. 

The American Republic has been more successful in its form because of the safeguards built into it. A Republic is generally safer and provides more freedom than monarchical or democratic governments. Add to the American Republic that the designers' understood and held a biblical view of man and his natural corruption, therefore, the American experience has been strengthened by the many safeguards they implemented in its construction.

They understood man's cravings for power and wealth, they knew he (nor themselves) could not be trusted with himself in a self-governing form without being greatly restrained and having many oversights. Over the decades it has been weakened by the removal of many of these restraints. American exceptionalism is a term that misplaces our success as a people and our enterprises. It has a tendency to puff up our pride feeding our egos in thinking we ourselves have accomplished this great experience. We are an exceptional people in that we have been given much through the Gospel wisdom of our Fathers, outside of the Grace of the Gospel we are lost to ourselves, and that is a miserable sight.

This is best understood in the words of President Lincoln: "Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the supreme authority and just government of Almighty God, in all the affairs of men and nations, has, by a resolution, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation;

And whereas, it is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truths announced in the Holy Scriptures, and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord;

And, inasmuch as we know that, by his divine law, nations, like individuals, are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole people? We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God, we have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! 

It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness." ~ President Abraham Lincoln, April 30th, 1863.

Like nations in the past, such words of warning have for a time turned a people to repentance, only in a short time again to return to the corruption in the succeeding generations. Our hope will be once again to hear the warning and plead for Grace that we might be saved. I know many reject the idea of America's religious heritage and believe humanism, and so-called science are the strengths that will deliver us from our corruptions. However, man is corrupt because of what is in him, science may discover many wonderful things, but it can never deliver him from his corruption. Man's history is the greatest testimony to the truth of Scripture and the hope of the Gospel. Nowhere else is his being laid bare as it is in the Scriptures.

God bless,


Monday, August 31, 2020

"Election Sermon"

In 17th century America, it is said that the average American would hear over 7,000 sermons in their lifetime. Those sermons were not like the ones we hear today through our TV Evangelist. They did not promise us quick and easy fixes, good health, and prosperity. But they did speak to the issues of the day and of righteousness and judgment. What they had to say was directed at the heart and meant to affect the life and manner of the hearer. Unlike today, (most of America is unlike today) sermons were sought after, even in the political realm. 

Preachers were not promoting candidates, but they were promoting righteousness and setting forth God's Word as it related to the Government and those who had charge of the office. Request would be made to ministers to preach to the elected officials and the candidates for political office. Officials and candidates alike would assemble to hear the minister expound the scriptures concerning their oath to office and the responsibility to govern rightly. After charging the officials in their responsibilities the people would be instructed in obedience to such officials who would govern rightly. In the following text, we see such a sermon preached by Daniel Forster on May 26, 1779. All of this would be illegal now, but that was when America was still committed to its founding principles. Let us listen in on Pastor Daniel Foster and see if we can find some help for us today.           

In the text, the person speaking is doubtless Jesus Christ, who by the Apostle, is called “the wisdom of God, and the power of God.” “By me Princes rule, and Nobles, even all the Judges of the earth:” That is, by my Providence and appointment, they are advanced to rule and govern; and their government is merciful and righteous, happy and prosperous, by my council and assistance.

The text leads us to speak of civil government, as ordained of God, in the hands of the mediator; of civil rulers, as holding their commission and authority under Christ; of their duty and dignity as his Ministers, and of the duty and privilege of the people under their administration.

[I wonder how the scope of our government would be today if our current leaders understood and actually governed as if this were true?] 

That civil government is ordained of God in the hands of the Mediator, the Absolute necessity of order and government, for the existence and happiness of society, pleads its divine original: For without it, the affairs of mankind would fall into the utmost confusion and disorder. [Humm, are we experiencing and confusion and disorder today?]

The nature of man, as a sociable creature, would no doubt, have led him to some sort of government had sin never entered the world. But since sin has debased the noble nature of man, and spread itself through the whole world, both reason and revelation plead for government.

The mode of government, and persons to govern, are submitted to the wisdom of men, in pursuance of a divine ordinance, that second causes might operate. It being the method of God to carry on the designs of his government in this world, by the instrumentality of subordinate Agents. When therefore, a people unite in a form of government, and choose persons to rule and govern them and pledge their faith to be obedient to, and support the government, “though it be but a man’s covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth or addeth thereunto.” [They pledged this wither they won the election or not, they did not spend their time trying to destroy what they were trying to build. Today, the losing party spends great effort to obstruct, discredit, and derail the winning party.] 

The Magistrate then, called to office by the voice of the people, and solemnly sworn, becomes an ordinance of God, and receives his authority from him, “by whom Princes rule, and Nobles, even all the Judges of the earth.” And the apostle, when he enjoins obedience to civil rulers, “because the powers that be, are ordained of God,” means to include in his idea, the methods by which they become possessed of their power, and likewise the use and improvement they make of it: If they rule for God, and for good to the people, they are to be subjected to, otherwise, “we ought to obey God, rather than men.” [Whereas today most of our officials don't even believe there is a God.]

Under this dispensation, the gospel and its ordinances, are our glory and defense. And as magistrates are honored by Christ, and act under his banner, they should be careful to be his glory, and support his religion in the world. [Maybe in American founding principles, but in America today the Gospel and its ordinances must be removed from public view and disregarded in their honor.]

All men should be possessed of a principle of piety and virtue; but none stand in greater need of it than those who are called to rule and govern. [Truth never spoken at a more proper time.]

Religion dignifies and enables the mind, refines and purifies the heart, fits men to act worthily their part on the stage of life, and shines with a peculiar luster in the Christian magistrate. This will procure for them honor in the sight of all men; “for those that honor me, I will honor.” [Likewise, without religion the mind is not refined and purified, and men do not act worthily their part on the stage of life.]

If religion is not honored and supported by men in places of public trust, the glory of the Lord will soon depart, and the fire of God be scattered over the city. [Humm, reckon?] It is the duty of Christian rulers, to preserve and secure to the people, their liberties and properties. The end and design of civil government is to secure the happiness of the whole community. For this, rulers are appointed; “he is the Minister of God to thee for good.”

The liberties of mankind have ever been held dear, for they are given by God and nature. “With a great sum, obtained I this freedom,” says the chief Captain to Paul, who relied, “but I was born free.” This has been and still is the voice of Americans; and our attention to the voice, which is from Heaven, has brought us into possession of the liberties and privileges, we this day enjoy.

An infringement on these, has ever awakened the fears, and kindled the resentment of an enlightened people! It has overturned empires and kingdoms, caused the stars to fall from Heaven, and princes to walk, as at this day, like servants on the earth!

In order to secure the liberties and privileges of the people, righteous and equitable laws should be made, and preserved. “That which is altogether just shall ye follow,” is an injunction from the First Magistrate in the universe. [We cannot know and understand these just laws without instruction from the Scriptures which we are now disregarding.]

We plead for a government of laws, not of men. The law is a rule to try all causes between man and man by; and it is a rule between the magistrate and subject, it teaches the one how to rule, and the other how to obey.

They are the pillars on which the Commonwealth stands; to them we appeal for a redress of grievances, and into their hands we are willing to fall; but not into the hands of men. They are in scripture, called the foundations of the earth; and said to be out of course, when the magistrate is either ignorant of them, or neglects to support his authority in their execution.

I know you heard the sarcasm in my inserts along with the text, but it was the awaken us to where we are as a nation. This was America, it is what we lived and governed ourselves by. All of which we have abandoned, yet still call ourselves Americans. We are not those Americans, we do not believe as they believed. We do not understand freedom as they understood freedom, nor do we understand government as they understood government. We are an irreligious, rebellious, and rioting people which have cast off the arms of freedom through the restraints of our passions, and have loosed our passions upon one another in the streets of our cities and offices of government. If God will grant us repentance and once again cast our eyes upon His precepts we may be saved. If not, we are doomed to our own destruction.

As another election comes upon us and our politicals parties plead their case before us, if the sound is not the sound of our American founding principles, let us proceed with great concern and much pray, for that we have been warned of is upon us.!

May God bless,


Friday, July 31, 2020

"Principle of Morality and Virtue"

As we have seen, morality and virtue is an essential principle in a free government. Without it, people just cannot govern themselves. The American Founders understood the greatest tool in achieving both was the propagation of the Gospel. They realized children reared in a Christian home would have the greatest advantage of overcoming their natural tendency toward corruption. Schools that embraced Christian principles would aid in producing a society trending toward a greater morality. A society inculcated in such principles would have a greater tendency toward unity and patriotism.

"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued, but when they lose their virtue they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader . . . . If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security." ~ Samuel Adams, February 12, 1779.

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt." ~ Samuel Adams, quoted from a political essay.    

"He, therefore, is the truest friend to the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man . . . . The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy this gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people." ~ Samuel Adams, 1750.

"Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by impressing the minds of men with the importance of educating their little boys and girls, of inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity and universal philanthropy, and, in subordination to these great principles, the love of their country; of instructing them in the art of self-government without which they never can act a wise part in the government of societies, great or small; in short, of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system." ~ Samuel Adams, October 4, 1790.

Adams called it the Christian system, the manner by which they would instruct and teach a unified understanding of a moral code, behavior acceptable to society, both the government and the governed. Having a unified understanding, the government would promote law and order in a means acceptable and answerable to the people. This would allow for the most peace in society and charitableness among its citizens. 

By allowing the Christian religion to flourish the American system of government was reaping the benefits of virtuous people. The greater success the Christian religion had in gaining converts the more virtuous the people became. It taught them to be good citizens, obey the laws, support their government, pray for their leaders. It placed restraints upon their conscience which caused them to despise their own vices and strive to overcome them. This gave a much greater advantage in the task of governance than the strict force of law. We see this in the words of James Mchenry.    

"Bibles are strong protections. Where they abound, men cannot pursue wicked courses and at the same time enjoy quiet conscience."
~ James Mchenry, Signer of the Constitution, Secretary of War under Presidents Washington and Adams.

"[P]ublic utility pleads most forcibly for the general distribution of the Holy Scriptures. Without the Bible, in vain do we increase penal laws and draw entrenchments around our institutions." ~ James Mchenry, Signer of the Constitution, Secretary of War under Presidents Washington and Adams.

The American experience gained all these advantages simply by allowing the Gospel to have free course among the people. The government had no need to enforce a religion, that idea has never worked. They understood what the great preacher Charles H. Spurgeon new, "The Word of God is like a lion. You don’t have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself." ~ Charles Spurgeon

Understanding these things helps clarify the meaning and purpose of the 1st Amendment, (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.)

This also sheds light on the problems we are facing today in our society and perhaps a direction to take in solving some of them. This is purely from a political viewpoint, the true nature of the Gospel is not to give hope in government. The true nature of the Gospel is to give life to a fallen people wither they have a free government or tyranny. It is the good news that Jesus Christ redeemed his people with his own blood on the Cross and all who receive him become new creatures. They are born again with new desires and hopes in their hearts. This does bless free governments, but its purpose is to save souls. 

The American system has worked well, it has offered men freedom like no other. The Church in turn has preached the Gospel which has turned men from their sins. The result is a people that can be free, for they can govern their own passion and limit their vices creating a society possessed with greater degrees of virtue and less of vices.

May God bless each of you,



Saturday, July 25, 2020

"Human Passions and the Constitution of the United States"

Last week we talked about Principles of free Government, this week I thought we would look at one of those principles. We speak a lot about freedom here in the United States, however, men cannot have absolute freedom, for society to exist there must be some form of Government installed to restrain the passions of men. The American experience has created the freest society history has given us. This has not been because we are a special people, for we are a people of many ethnic groups. It is because this people have had the blessing of such pure principles to live and be governed by.  Though we seldom reached the true potential of these principles, they were always pulling us toward higher degrees of freedom. These principles are more than paper, they must be a part of our understanding. President John Adams speaking to the American Military made an astounding statement. 

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~ John Adams, October 11, 1798. 

AV'ARICE, n. [L. avaritia, from avarus, from aveo, to covet.]
An inordinate desire of gaining and possessing wealth; covetousness; greediness or insatiable desire of gain.

AMBI'TION, n. [L. ambitio, from ambio, to go about, or to seek by making interest, of amb, about, and eo, to go. See Ambages. This word had its origin in the practice of Roman candidates for office, who went about the city to solicit votes.]

A desire of preferment, or of honor; a desire of excellence or superiority. It is used in a good sense; as, emulation may spring from a laudable ambition. It denotes also an inordinate desire of power, or eminence, often accompanied with illegal means to obtain the object. It is sometimes followed by of; as, a man has an ambition of wit. Milton has used the word in the Latin sense of going about, or attempting; but this sense is hardly legitimate.

REVENGE, v.t. revenj'.

2. According to modern usage, to inflict pain deliberately and maliciously, contrary to the laws of justice and humanity, in return for injury, pain or evil received; to wreak vengeance spitefully on one who injures or offends.


1. Splendor of appearance; show; magnificence; ostentatious finery. [Obsolete or obsolescent.]

2. Bravery; courageousness; heroism; intrepidity. The troops entered the fort with great gallantry.

3. Nobleness; generosity.

4. Civility or polite attentions to ladies.

5. Vicious love or pretensions to love; civilities paid to females for the purpose of winning favors; hence, lewdness; debauchery.

These are but a few of the passions of men, all of which must be measured with some restrain, without which society will break down and chaos will ensue. 

We are seeing the results of this now in our nation, passions of men are becoming unbridled and the cords of the Constitution are snapping. The principles of Christianity of which Adams spoke have been eroded in our society to the point that morality as we once knew it is taking on different forms. The passions of our heart are no longer being restrained by a common rule or world view. Our understanding of morality and religion is being formed from sources contrary to certain Christian beliefs, therefore conflicts are arising against our rule of law as well as against various factions that arise. All these new understandings of morality are fighting for dominance, it is likely one will prevail and all others will be suppressed. This would not come as a surprise to our founders for they warned us of the very time in which we live. Adams would again write to Jefferson stating: "Have you ever found in history, one single example of a Nation thoroughly corrupted that was afterward restored to virtue? . . . And without virtue, there can be no political liberty . . . . Will you tell me how to prevent riches from becoming the effects of temperance and industry? Will, you tell me how to prevent luxury from producing effeminacy, intoxication, extravagance, vice, and folly? . . . I believe no effort in favour of virtue is lost. . ." ~ John Adams. 

We look at our society and discover in our eyes so many injustices, could it be our view is being obscured by so many conflicting ideas of men? I again refer you to Adams: "Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can surely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure, than they have it now, they may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty." ~ John Adams, June 21, 1776.

God bless each of you,


Saturday, July 18, 2020

"Principles of Free Government"

In last week's post, we discussed the concept of free governments and the necessity of certain principles that support and maintain such governments. For free governments to work, certain principles must be in place. The American experience has provided the greatest expanse and broadest experience of a free society the world has ever known. So what were these majestic mystical principles that have given us so much freedom? For that, we will turn to our second President John Adams.

"The general principles, on which the Fathers achieved independence, were the only Principles in which that beautiful Assembly of young Gentlemen could Unite . . . . And what were these general Principles? I answer, the general principles of Christianity, in which all these sects were United. And the general Principles of English and American Liberty, in which all those young Men United, and which had United all Parties in America, in Majorities sufficient to assert and maintain her Independence." ~ John Adams (June 28, 1813, letter to Thomas Jefferson.    

The weight of this statement comes from the one who speaks it. This is not my contrivance, but the consideration of the mind of John Adams, writing to Thomas Jefferson, the mind and penmen of the Declaration of Independence. The consideration in play here is by what principles were we, the American people able to achieve independence? What principles were so sublime that all parties were not only united but able to assert their independence as a nation, and also to maintain that independence? Alas, it is the General Principles of Christianity. If these principles are so essential, so profoundly necessary, how is it we expect to support and maintain the freedom they gave birth to if we cast them away? Adams understood that they were so profoundly important, they were the only Principles that could unite and establish our independence, at least in such an enduring manner. 

It would be safe to consider that most of the American People how no idea these principles carried so much weight upon our freedom. Some might understand that some people came here for religious freedom, but they have no idea that religion gave birth to that freedom. They have been led to believe that this freedom was contrived from men and the Christians came running to it. I suppose it would not matter who gets the credit for the freedom, except without the principles the freedom cannot long exist.

Adams would also write to James Warren; "[This] Form of Government . . . is productive of everything which is great and excellent among men. But its Principles are as easily destroyed, as human nature is corrupted . . . . A [Republican] Government is only to be supported by pure Religion or Austere Morals. Private, and public Virtue is the only Foundation of Republics." ~ John Adams.  

What he is saying is that for people to be governed by a free government, those people must know and understand how to be free. Christianity formed that foundation of Moral responsibility and public and private behavior that gave strength and support to a free government. It enabled a people, the American people to govern themselves and embrace a system of government by which they could all unite. 

Don't misunderstand, we are not talking about a theocracy or a nation ruled by religion, no, we are talking about a Republican form of government which must have some moral vitreous rule of which all parties could unite. For the American experience, the principles of Christianity became that support. Christianity was considered by the Founders to be the greatest support a free government could rest upon.

"The great, vital, and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and the divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." ~ Journal of the House of the Representatives of the United States of America (Washington, DC: Cornelius Wendell, 1855), 34th Cong., 1st Sess., p. 354, January 23, 1856

"Had the people, during the Revolution had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle… In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity… That was the religion of the founders of the republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants." ~ Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives Made During the First Session of the Thirty-Third Congress

[O]ur citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament, or the Christian religion." ~ Noah Webster, History of the United States

[T]he Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children under a free government ought to be instructed. No truth is more evident than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people." ~ Noah Webster, A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary, and Moral Subject, p. 291, from his “Reply to a Letter of David McClure on the Subject of the Proper Course of Study in the Girard College, Philadelphia. New Haven, October 25, 1836.

Looking quickly at a few of these statements will help us understand our dilemma. The house in 1856 said the great vital element in our system was a belief of our people in the pure doctrines and truths of the Gospel. 

Vital definition Webster 1828: VI'TAL, a. [L. vitalis, from vita, life. This must be a contraction of victa, for vivo forms vixi, victus; Gr. contracted.]

1. Pertaining to life, either animal or vegetable; as vital energies; vital powers.

2. Contributing to life; necessary to life; as vital air; vital blood.

3. Containing life.

Spirits that live throughout, vital in every part - and vital virtue infus'd, and vital warmth.

4. Being the seat of life; being that on which life depends.

The dart flew on, and pierc'd a vital part.

5. Very necessary; highly important; essential. Religion is a business of vital concern. Peace is of vital importance to our country.

6. So disposed as to live.

Pythagoras and Hippocrates affirm the birth of the seventh month to be vital. [Little used.]

Vital air, pure air or oxygen gas, which is essential to animal life.

It was vital because it gave a unifying element in our society and enabled us to view the world through a very similar moral glass. This caused us to embrace the laws of our land in a general sense a right and just. The moral code that had been instilled in our people formed the laws that governed us. Therefore to rebel against the laws of the land was to find yourself morally bankrupt, which had a restraining effect on our society. Without this unifying element, we would have a tendency to form our own idea of morality. Then having done so, our laws would begin to appear to us as unjust or antiquated.

Noah Webster was a Judge, Legislator, Educator, and considered America's Schoolmaster, he felt it necessary to educate our citizens early in these Christian principles, in other words, encourage the diffusion of the Gospel message. This was not Government mandating a religious doctrine, but understanding the value of it in support of the Republican form Government and simply encouraging its promotion throughout our society. I know that sounds strange, however, it's difficult to read his words any other way.

He viewed the Christian religion so important, he considered it one of the first things we should teach our children, for he understood it to be the basis by which a free people could be governed.

It must be noted here for those who hate religion and demand separation of church and state, there is a true separation of the church and the state. They each have their separate roles which they play, however, the support each lends to the other is invaluable in the American system. It also must be understood that teaching Christian principles does not make one a Christian. The founders were not necessarily trying to make everyone Christians, they were simply using the Christian religion and the moral values it held as a unifying factor in our society and the support that would give to the laws of our land. They could have elected any religion as their basis, but they believed the Christian religion to be the most supportive of freedom and republican governments.

As we no longer hold these ideas to be true and have mixed varying religious and moral standards, our society has broken down. The unity we once enjoyed as a people have grown into distrust and hatred of one another. We no longer look through the same glass, we are all seeing the world in a different light. We are finding ourselves restricted by our Constitution and discovering a need to change it, re-interpret it, or circumvent it. We as a society can't agree on what is morally right because our base of understanding is coming from other sources. A free society that has lost its restraints, no longer embrace the laws that govern it, and feel compelled to install what each group may be persuaded in their own mind is right will soon erupt into chaos. Our freedom will go away because we are no longer capable of being a free people. Some totalitarian rule of law will of necessity be installed to subdue the people and bring some kind of order to society. The only other option is that one group will gain enough support and power to suppress all the other groups into submission with their world view, of which there is very little difference between the two options.

Why do we read so many religious statements from those of our founding era and afterward? They knew what kind of government they had formed and what would be necessary to maintain it. We would have done well to have listened, we may not be able to save it now. We are in the hands of God's Providence, should He choose to stir our hearts and bring us to Him we can be saved. In doing so He may save our nation and our freedom as well.

In Christ,


Friday, July 10, 2020

"Free Governments"

"As it is the distinguishing happiness of free governments that civil order should be the result of choice and not of necessity, and the common wishes of the people become the laws of the land, their public prosperity and even existence very much depend upon suitably forming the minds and morals of their citizens. 

When the minds of the people, in general, are viciously disposed and unprincipled, and their conduct disorderly, a free government will be attended with greater confusions and evils more horrid than the wild, uncultivated state of nature. 

It can only be happy when the public principles and opinions are properly directed, and their manners regulated. This is an influence beyond the reach of laws and punishments and can be claimed only by religion and education. 

It should, therefore, be among the first objects of those who wish well to the national prosperity to encourage and support the principles of religion and morality, and early to place the youth under the forming hand of society, that by instruction they may be molded to the love of virtue and good order." ~ Abraham Baldwin (1754-1807)

Abraham Baldwin was a signer of the Constitution of the United States, a member of Congress, a U.S. Senator, a lawyer, and an educator. When we wonder what has happened to our Nation we need to look no further than to the ideas that gave it its birth and the men that fashioned it. 

We must look back to them, for there are no such men today to lead us in the way. We have left our principles in exchange for a new way of thinking and living. We need not think this has left us without change. There is a reason the American experience has lasted so long, it has not been by accident it has survived so many tragedies and difficulties.

Yet, we need not think it will continue to survive absent from the principles that gave it birth. The path we are now on will lead to a point in history we no longer can be free. It will be necessary to govern us by force, for we will have forgot how to live free.

The laws of our land were formed by people that embraced their principles and wished to be governed by them. Their children were educated in the purpose and meaning of these principles. The principles themselves were rooted in the religious nature of our people. Our religion and our system of education were in harmony with one another. It formed our culture and moral understanding, which in turn established our society upon solid ground whereupon we as a people were pleased to stand. This was an imperfect system, however, it was the best this world had ever known.   

We cannot change our principles without changing who we are as a people. Thus, we are no longer the people the world once knew as Americans. We are a different people and a different nation, we abhor who we were and have chosen a new way of living.

This is not to say there was no room for change and improvement, for these principles were constantly bearing down upon us to improve our lives and increase our capacity for freedom. We made mistakes along the way, but the principles remained and we were obliged to try again. As we remove those principles that gave us our freedom, we think we are achieving a greater freedom, when in reality we are reverting back to an old-world system where the passions of men rule the day.  

We are foolish if we think we can change the principles of the land of liberty and maintain the land of liberty. It may be in the Providence of God to turn us again and give us hope, make us a land of opportunity and refuge. If He does  not, it will fall upon us as those who cast away a great freedom. 

Jer 6:16  This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask where the old road is. Ask where the good road is, and walk on that road. If you do, you will find rest for yourselves. But you people have said, 'We will not walk on the good road.' 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

"A defense of Calvinism"

In making a defense of Calvinism I suppose I need to define what I mean by Calvinism. Generally, a defense is made for or against it based upon the 5 points of Calvinism. However, the 5 points do not define the doctrine at all, they are only points of the 5 areas in which the Arminian scheme disagree. Calvin did not formulate or focus on 5 points, he taught and defended the doctrines that arose out of the reformation along with Luther, Zwingli, Knox, and others. Calvin would most likely be very dismayed that his name became synonymous with a few doctrinal statements.  The doctrines they taught and what I would define as Calvinism can best be articulated in the Westminister Confession of Faith 1646, the London Baptist Confession of Faith 1689, and other great confessions of the Reformation period. They did not originate with the Reformation but were rediscovered in previous times producing the Reformation. These same doctrines are asserted in 521 AD in the Cannons of Orange, were articulated by Augustine (345AD-430AD), and the 2nd Century Church Fathers. All these doctrines were developed from the Church's understanding of the Scriptures.     

(See a study on the Remonstrants and Jacobus Arminius for the formulation of the 5 points)

However great these doctrines are, it seems the points of disagreement or difficulty always comes down to these 5.
1. Total Depravity
2. Unconditional Election
3. Limited Atonement
4. Irresistible Grace
5. Perseverance of the Saints
It is the perception of these theological terms that bring more division than the actual definition. Understanding the doctrinal meaning of each term goes a long way in helping us grasp what is being said in each. There are Christian sects that will confess to being 3 point Calvinist, or 2 point. However, it is difficult to sustain such arguments, for each term depends upon the others or they fail to stand. A complete rejection, however weak, is a stronger place than a partial rejection.

In the 1st, many reject Total Depravity saying man is not all bad, but still retains some good and some ability to perform good works of merits. The 1689 London Baptist would disagree saying:

Chapter 6, Paragraph 2. Our first parents, by this sin, fell from their original righteousness and communion with God, and we in them whereby death came upon all: all becoming dead in sin, and wholly defiled in all the faculties and parts of soul and body.
3. Rom. 3:23 (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,)
4. Rom 5:12, etc.
5. Titus 1:15; Gen. 6:5; Jer. 17:9; Rom. 3:10-19

The Calvinist understands Total  Depravity in that all the faculties and parts of soul and body are wholly defiled. It is not to say that men can be no worse or one man cannot be more evil than another. To be wholly defiled means every part in his entirety has been affected by the fall. Some more, some less in their faculties, yet the whole is defiled and renders him unable to please God in any. Therefore, faith is produced by Grace alone without any measure of merit. 

Those that oppose the Calvinist view will have to say there is some part of man left equally unaffected by the fall, or some part equally enabling man to desire God and have some spiritual insight of his own self. I purposely use the word "equally" for experience tells us that some believe and some don't. Those that oppose the Calvinist position would have to leave this deciding factor to the man of his own self. It is difficult to imagine an equal measure of some good and that equal measure producing different results. If it is not equal, then Grace would be given to those who had enough good measure to produce faith while it would be withheld from those who did not. If this is so, then grace is no more grace, but given by merit, even if ever so small.   

In the 2nd, Unconditional Election, the 1689 London Baptist defines it this way: 
Chapter 10, Paragraph 1. Those whom God hath predestinated unto life, He is pleased in His appointed, and accepted time, effectually to call,1 by His Word and Spirit, out of that state of sin and death in which they are by nature, to grace and salvation by Jesus Christ;2 enlightening their minds spiritually and savingly to understand the things of God;3 taking away their heart of stone, and giving to them a heart of flesh;4 renewing their wills, and by His almighty power determining them to that which is good, and effectually drawing them to Jesus Christ;5 yet so as they come most freely, being made willing by His Grace.
1. Rom. 8:30, 11:7; Eph. 1:10,11; 2 Thess. 2:13,14
2. Eph. 2:1-6
3. Acts 26:18; Eph. 1:17,18
4. Ezek. 36:26
5. Deut. 30:6; Ezek. 36:27; Eph. 1:19
6. Ps. 110:3; Cant. 1:4

Paragraph 2. This effectual call is of God's free and special grace alone, not from anything at all foreseen in man, nor from any power or agency in the creature,7 being wholly passive therein, being dead in sins and trespasses, until being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit;8 he is thereby enabled to answer this call, and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed in it, and that by no less power than that which raised up Christ from the dead.                                                        7. 2 Tim. 1:9; Eph. 2:88                                                                                                                              8. Cor. 2:14; Eph. 2:5; John 5:25                                                                                                                9. Eph. 1:19, 20

You can readily see how the second term is supported by the 1st and the 1st by the 2nd. The Calvinist Methodist Confession 1823 similarly states:

Article 12. On the Election of Grace.

God from eternity elected and appointed Christ to be the covenant head, mediator, and surety of his church, to redeem and save it (a). God elected also in Christ a great multitude, which no man can number, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation, to holiness and eternal life (b): and appointed all the means necessary to accomplish this end (c). This election is eternal (d), righteous (e), sovereign (f), unconditional (g), particular or personal (h), and unchangeable (I). The election of grace wrongs no one: though God in righteousness left some persons unpredestinated, yet, he did them no injustice; they are in the same condition in which they would have been if there had been no election; and if there had been no election of grace, no flesh would have been saved.

Those that would oppose the Calvinist position would have to say that election to salvation was conditional. It would depend upon man's choice and not God's. If Grace is given on the merit of a choice, is it not then merit and no longer Grace alone. At the very least it would be Grace + whatever measure of merit a choice can merit. It is said by those that oppose, that injustice is done to man if election to salvation is left to God alone. However, if it is not left to God alone, how then can it be by Grace alone, of necessity it must be given on behalf of some measure of merit. It is said by some, man must have free will. The Calvinist position is that man's will is free to choose and will choose whatever it wants and deems what is best. His state of corruption however leaves his view of best as what he can attain from this world, and therefore will never choose the way of heaven. As stated in the confession, only through God's election of Grace is the will made willing and the man able to see and desire heavenly things. Man must believe the Gospel to be saved, this is made possible through Grace alone. Those who do not believe are not compelled to unbelief by God, but of their own free choice do reject the Gospel of Grace and go their own way. No injustice is done to them, though they hear, they simply do not have ears to hear. What they hear of the Gospel is contrary to their desires and hopes, so they reject of their own free will. 

The 3rd, Limited Atonement, the Calvinist understands to mean that Christ atonement was provided for those only whom God Elected. Here again, you can see how one point depends upon and supports the other points. This is not to say Christ atonement was not of value to save all, only that the necessary application was to the Elect, the 1689 London Baptist states: 

Chapter 8, Paragraph 1. It pleased God, in His eternal purpose, to choose and ordain the Lord Jesus, His only begotten Son, according to the covenant made between them both, to be the mediator between God and man;1 the prophet,2 priest,3 and king;4 head and savior of the church,5 the heir of all things,6 and judge of the world;7 unto whom He did from all eternity give a people to be His seed and to be by Him in time redeemed, called, justified, sanctified, and glorified.                                                                      

1. Isa. 42:1; 1 Pet. 1:19,20                                                                                                                            2. Acts 3:22                                                                                                                                                  3. Heb. 5:5,6                                                                                                                                                4. Ps. 2:6; Luke 1:33                                                                                                                                    5. Eph. 1:22,23                                                                                                                                              6. Heb. 1:2                                                                                                                                                    7. Acts 17:31                                                                                                                                                8. Isa. 53:10; John 17:6; Rom. 8:30

In the Calvinist Methodist Confession of 1823 article 18 it is stated;

It was ordained that his Person should stand in the stead of those persons (and those only) who had been given him to redeem. 

Those who would oppose the Calvinist position must say that Christ Atonement was given to and for those who reject the Gospel and walk not with Christ. This argument is difficult to sustain, not only through scripture but reason alone would dictate otherwise. How could God apply Christ Atonement to those He will not save? If He does indeed from all eternity know all things, could Christ Atonement be of so little value as to be applied and given to those whom He knows will never receive it? If given, is its value of such that it cannot save them?

Of the 4th, Irresistible Grace, the Calvinist understand that once a man by Grace is made willing, his eyes open to the beauties of Christ, the wonder of this Grace is to him irresistible. Not that he is brought to Christ dragging his feet unable to resist, but the beauty of such Grace being so attractive that he comes running with great joy at its discovery.

The 1689 London Baptist in Chapter 14,    Paragraph 2. says, By this faith a Christian believes to be true whatsoever is revealed in the Word for the authority of God himself,4 and also apprehends an excellency therein above all other writings and all things in the world,5 as it bears forth the glory of God in his attributes, the excellency of Christ in his nature and offices, and the power and fullness of the Holy Spirit in his workings and operations: and so is enabled to cast his soul upon the truth consequently believed;6 and also acts differently upon that which each particular passage thereof contains; yielding obedience to the commands,7 trembling at the threatenings,8 and embracing the promises of God for this life and that which is to come;9 but the principle acts of saving faith have immediate relation to Christ, accepting, receiving, and resting upon him alone for justification, sanctification, and eternal life, by virtue of the covenant of grace.                                                            

4. Acts 24:14                                                                                                                                                5. Ps. 19:7-10, 69:72                                                                                                                                    6. 2 Tim. 1:12                                                                                                                                                7. John 15:14                                                                                                                                                8. Isa. 116:2                                                                                                                                                  9. Heb. 11:13                                                                                                                                              10. John 1:12; Acts 16:31; Gal:20; Acts 15:11 

The Calvinist Methodist Confession 1823 says:

Regeneration consists in a gracious and supernatural change, wrought by the Spirit of God in all those who are saved to eternal life, by making them partakers of the divine nature (a), which is the principle of a holy life, effectually working in the whole man, and for that reason called “the new man” (b). The holy nature received in regeneration acts in all those who are made partakers of it in direct opposition to every form of corruption, and after God who created it (c). This change produces in the whole man a lively impress of God’s holiness, as a child bears the image of his father (d). God alone is the author of this change. It is generally wrought by means of the word, and is set forth in Scripture under several names; such as quickening, forming Christ in the heart, partaking of the divine nature and circumcising the heart (e). This change is wrought in order that men may glorify God by bringing forth the fruits of righteousness, and purifying the soul, so as to be meet to enjoy fellowship with God forever.

Those who oppose the Calvinist view must say that when a man comes to see and understand the beauties of Christ and the wonder of Grace proclaimed in the Gospel, it is not so beautiful as to compel him to come running to those beauties. It must be that upon that gaze, the man considers in his own will what is best, and in that consideration, the beauties of Christ are not so beautiful that the world does not still have an appeal upon his soul. The Grace offered is not so wonderful that the man cannot resist, but does indeed resist and may choose the beauties of the world over the beauties of Christ and His Grace. 

Of the 5th point, Perseverance of the Saints, the Calvinist understands that a man once brought to Christ by these means, though he may stray in his weakness, will never abandon his faith and love of Christ. This is not to say that a man who once makes a profession, but turns back to his old ways and remains is assured of his salvation. For one must truly remain faithful till the end, it simply means that those who have been brought by these means and can truly see the beauties of Christ, his eyes cannot be finally captured again by the world.

Speaking upon this doctrine the 1689 London Baptist states Chapter 17,  Paragraph 1. Those whom God has accepted in the beloved, effectually called and sanctified by his Spirit, and given the precious faith of his elect unto, can neither totally nor finally fall from the state of grace, but shall certainly persevere therein to the end, and be eternally saved, seeing the gifts and callings of God are without repentance, from which source he still begets and nourishes in them faith, repentance, love, joy, hope, and all the graces of the Spirit unto immortality;1 and though many storms and floods arise and beat against them, yet they shall never be able to take them off that foundation and rock which by faith they are fastened upon; notwithstanding, through unbelief and the temptations of Satan, the sensible sight of the light and love of God may for a time be clouded and obscured from them,2 yet he is still the same, and they shall be sure to be kept by the power of God unto salvation, where they shall enjoy their purchased possession, they being engraved upon the palm of his hands, and their names having been written in the book of life from all eternity.                                                                                    1. John 10:28,29; Phil. 1:6; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 2:19                                                                              2. Ps. 89:31,32; 1 Cor. 11:32                                                                                                                        3. Mal. 3:6

The Calvinist Methodist Confession 1823 likewise says in article 17, The Christian’s assurance may in divers ways be shaken and impaired: if he falls into any sin and grieves the Spirit, he loses the light of God’s countenance and walks in darkness (g). But the Christian can never lose that seed of God which is in him, or the life of faith, or the love of Christ. The Spirit restores him in God’s good time and meanwhile keeps him from utter despair. The evil of his sin is revealed to him, and he is chastened by the Lord, that he may not be condemned with the world. But he is strengthened in all his affliction to hope in God; yea, he has hope in his death.

Those who oppose the Calvinist position must say that a man, after seeing the glories of God and the preciousness of Christ, still finds in the world such beauty as to again turn their eyes away and leave Christ to again live for themselves. The new creation dies and becomes the old man again. They must say if indeed by Grace and some small measure of merit they obtained Salvation, they also now must maintain that Salvation by some small merit of their works added to Grace, and if they die outside of those merits they again lose their Salvation and are again eternally damned. 

Other objections:

It is objected sometimes that the Calvinist view makes God unjust and unmerciful for saving some and not others. This seems to be a weak objection, for it is accepted by all that none deserve to be saved, therefore, to condemn all as God did the Angels that fell would be justice and to save any would be merciful. Therefore, to save some and not others gives great Mercy to some and does no injustice to others. If to save some obligates God to save all, then it is no longer mercy but debt. 

It is objected sometimes on the grounds of fairness. God must be fair, therefore he must provide atonement for all, that all might be saved. This is a very weak objection, for in what view does this fairness exist? If indeed salvation is offered to all, how is it that most die never hearing the Gospel? How is it fair that a man dies for want of hearing the Gospel and is condemned? It must be by God's Omniscience that God knows all, the end from the beginning. He must know then multitudes will die that would have been saved if they had heard the Gospel, yet he still condemns them, and this is said to be fair? 

The view that Salvation must be offered to all and that man must be free to choose is said to be fair and just over the Calvinist view of Election. This view says Christ atonement is provided for all, yet all are not saved. It says Salvation is offered to all, yet all do not hear the Gospel and are condemned. It says if a man does hear, he must be free to choose. Yet even here there is inequality, for one man may be persuaded by a great preacher or orator, while another hears the Gospel only by an inexperienced layman who does not argue well enough to persuade and the man, he is therefore condemned for his unbelief. 

One then argues that it is not the preacher or the layman, but the drawing of the Holy Spirit. Then He must draw equally all men, it would be unfair for God to meet with Saul on the way to Damascus and save him and let other men go condemned with a lesser experience. A view of Salvation that is offered to all and places the deciding factor in the autonomy of man's free will is an unfair and unjust system. Every line of this argument ends in despair and hopelessness while it lays bare God's Sovereignty and power to save.

I do not sarcastically lift up these questions in the face of those who oppose, I lift them before my own face as I examine the Arminian system of faith.

How is it possible for God to Atone for the sins of the whole world and the world still be condemned?   

[He does not atone for the sins of the whole world, only the Elect] - Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 

How is it the weight of eternity is placed upon man's fallen will to understand spiritual things?

[It is not and he cannot except God first regenerate the human spirit that he is made willing] - 1st Cor. 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 

If a man never hears the Gospel, how is it he is still condemned if his sins are atoned for?

[They are not atoned for and though he hears the Gospel, he will never receive it] - John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God., Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 

If a man is saved by his will choosing righteousness, how is it his decision to come to faith is not merit?

[Because the faith is of Grace and a gift of God] - Eph 2:5-8 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 

Eph 2:6  And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 

Eph 2:7  That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. 

If a man is saved by Grace, how is it he must maintain his Salvation by works?

[He does not, by that same Grace he is kept and by that same Grace produces works of faith] - Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. 

If a man still retains some spark of good to enable him to choose Salvation, how is it that equal spark does not work equally in all men?

[He does not retain any spark of good but is wholly defiled] - Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 

If that spark of good is not equal, how is it not merit for those who have enough, and judgment for those who do not?

[There is no spark, Salvation is of the Lord, and that by Grace] - 2 Peter 3:15  And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 

If the Holy Spirit woos men to Salvation, must he not woo them equally?

[He does not woo, He saves and gives life] - John 3:3-8 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 

Joh 3:4  Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? 

Joh 3:5  Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 

Joh 3:6  That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 

Joh 3:7  Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. 

Joh 3:8  The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. 

If he woos all men equally, how is it not merit for those good enough to respond?

[He does not woo, but Sovereignly Saves for none are good enough to respond] - Rev 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 

If God knows who will be saved and who will not, must he still equally woo those He knows will not come to justify Himself?

[He effectually calls those who are His] - John 6:35-40, And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. 

Joh 6:36  But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not. 

Joh 6:37  All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. 

Joh 6:38  For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. 

Joh 6:39  And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. 

Joh 6:40  And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.  

John 6:64-71 But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. 

Joh 6:65  And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 

If God looks down through the corridor of time and sees who will be saved and who will not, if a man's life is cut short, yet God sees in this corridor of time he would have been saved had he lived, how is it he is still condemned?

[God is Sovereign over all things at times and controls all events according to his own purpose] - Eph 1.11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: 

There are whole nations whose people are deprived of hearing the Gospel; if a man is truly autonomous and his will free to choose, then it must be that many would be saved if they could only hear. How is it then God condemns those who he knows would be saved if they heard? 

[Man is not autonomous, all are dead in their sins until God gives them life] - Eph 2:5  Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 

Only the Calvinist view lays Salvation in the arms of a Sovereign God, who alone has the power to save and the Wisdom to choose according to his own purposes and plans. It leaves injustice to none and mercy to many and it is all to the Glory of God.  

May God bless,


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